Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Definition of a Successful Student

Before I can dive into the topic of what a successful student is according to me, I first must define what success actually is. When asked, many individuals have different definitions to what success is to them. Some believe success is being able to outperform others, while Malcolm Gladwell seems to focus on wealth and social standing when talking about success. I tend to take a more positive and less "cut-throat" view of success. Success, to me, is being able to achieve something that you have worked hard for. Whether it is the dream job you have always wanted or the perfect family with the white picket fence and dog in the front yard; you have achieved success when you are truly happy with your life and do not rely on others for personal joy. You can fall asleep with a smile on your face, anticipating the day ahead.

Now that I have defined success I can describe what a successful student is. I believe a successful student is someone who achieves his or her highest potential in whatever he or she decides to do, whether it be studying hard for a much needed “B” or winning the ideal office position in a student government election. A successful student does not rely on a “God given gift” alone, but also hard work and determination. The student does not wait for the “perfect” opportunity, but takes initiative and seizes any opportunity, seeing it as having potential. He/she realizes that any experience, whether it is good or bad, is a learning tool to further his/her success later on in life. Any student is able to succeed in his/her own terms, the individual just has to be willing to work hard to achieve the “ideal” level of success, according to him/her, not the level set by others.


  1. I really liked how you began your post with your definition of success. It gave your post more depth and a greater insight to your opinion. My favorite part of your post was when you said, "The student does not wait for the “perfect” opportunity, but takes initiative and seizes any opportunity, seeing it as having potential," because it is such a wonderful way to describe what personality one must have to be successful.

  2. I agree that everyone has a different definition of the word success. People determine their own level of success, therefore, no two people can have the exact same idea of what success is. Also, I agree that a person has to foster the talent they are given at birth because just being born intelligent doesnt automatically make you successful, you have to work for it.
